When I first met you, you were behind the turntables doing your thing, and everytime I saw you again after that, thats were you were, do you recall the moment you decided you wanted to get into music and what pushed you forward to get involved?
My interest in music sparked at a young age & as i got into my teens I took things a little more serious. I always indulged into the rhyming aspect of thing. DJing & producing steered me away from rhyming. It was actually the passing of colleagues that pushed me back into the art of rhyming. In particularly DJ Black Panther death, back in 2019. From there I slowly figure out my steps; the songs I wanted to move forward with, the beats i wanted to use & where to record, ect.
Where does the name !rs come from, and what does it mean in relation to you as an artist?
!rs is an acronym for Iller Raw Specimen, which was my 1st Mc name that I abbreviated into I.R.S., but back then I would spit it so fast that it would come out sounding like as Iris & just stuck from there. The ill & raw came from people’s reaction from when I would rhyme, they’d be like, “Yo, that’s ill!” Or “Yo, that’s raw!”
You have been producing for yourself and others and definitely have crafted a unique sound that is your own, what would say influenced you and how would you describe your own style?
My influences comes from everywhere, musically. As a dj I listen to various types of music from all around the world & allowed it to inspire me freely. That’s why my sound sometime not only crosses genres, but also Era. I definitely feel like my sound has a nostalgic feel to it.
How would you describe your rhyme style and how did it come about?
I would like to describe my rhyme style as diverse. I say, “would like to” because I have a tendency to go straight to a hard or dark rhyme. Which is why I made sure to release friendlier songs 1st, but usually, I allow the beat to inspire me where it wants me to go, topic wise, but usually it takes me to one or two lines that’ll spark where the flow of the rhyme will go.
You have a new single called “Sunny Side Up” that will be dropping very soon, it’s a very serious song, yet carries an energetic vibe and spot on flow, can you describe the track and how it came to be? When does it drop and where will people be able to find it?
“Sunny Side Up” will be released March 8th of this year, on all major platforms & is inspired by my childhood environment growing up in East New York. “This is your brain on drugs” was probably the most iconic commercial of the 80’s. I ran across it as an adult & realized they said “Sunny Side Up was your brains on drugs”. Made me laugh & stuck with me.
How do you feel about getting signed to a Major label vs going the independent route in today’s climate?
If I were ever to do a major label, I’d do a yearly contract or contracted for singles, but getting signed isn’t in my sight. Just like everything, there’s pros & cons to being independent vs. being signed. Independent artist have more liberty in their craft & these days independent artist can pretty much be successful, pending on your definition of success.
What is your favorite quote and why?
Malcolm X quote, ‘Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
What advice would you give to yourself at 16?
I would tell my younger self, don’t give fuck what others think. Shine.
If you could make a song with any two emcees and two producers on the planet, who would they be? and why?
These days, I would love to work with Casanova cause I love his energy. Whenever I hear one if his joints i know imma catch that contact off it. J. Cole cause the consistency of dopeness always shines thru. DJ Premier cause he captures that perfect hip-hop sound & El-P cause of the way he takes me on a journey with the beats he makes.
Favorite Movie or Book and Why?
I have a list of favorite movies. Natural Born Killers, Chich & Chong: Up In Smokes, Wag The Dog, Sweeney Todd, Minority Report, Upside-Down, just to name a few.
Books, Pat Mora “Nepantla:
Essays from the Land in the Middle” & the Assata Shakur autobiography.
Greatest lesson learned in life thus far?
Greatest lesson thus far I’ve learned, there was a quote I read recently, “The love you give, may not be the love returned.” When I read that, I obviously put it in reflection to my life & I think we as individuals know this to be true, but dismiss it constantly. Which is why you have people in relationships where one love more than the other, just for an example.
What should people know about you, that they probably don’t, but should?
I’m a honest, bunt person. People have a tendency to categorize me as mean or nice, when in truths I’m just speaking openly.
What is next for !rs? upcoming projects? Adventures?
I got a lot of work I’ve been sitting on but I don’t really know what’s next. I’m kind of just playing it by ear. Lately I’ve been wanting to take the energy level down in my music & put more thought provoking songs out, but we’ll see what happens.
Shout Outs:
Shouts to A.B., Darksun, Meddah, DJ Draven, Shadokat, Big Mike, FlowMentalz, Berto for having my back When I ain’t have shit. & to my kids Myja, Zyah, Kimbo, Victigre & TayTay. Love you.
- You can find DJ !rs on Instagram : !rs and Facebook
- Interview by Cymarshall Law
I love !rs, my favorite song of his is fuck you too!!!!!!
One of the best Artists I know!