Hip Hop in the Mind – Books

So many of us exhibit behaviors consciously or subconsciously that drive the direction of our lives. Our behaviors are deeply rooted in our experiences in the world from ages before we can even remember. Sooner or later, we find ourselves at a point in our lives where we are unsure how we got there; more perplexing than this, is the notion that we do not know how to free ourselves from a certain place in our lives and move forward. Books have always given me a sense of freedom by way of expanding my understanding of parts of the world that I may or may not have ever experienced. Books allow me to find themes and characters in various situations then draw parallels from my vantage point to those in the book. As I undergo this journey as an advocate for improved understanding and management of mental health for all of us, I’m reading (really listening to) books that explore various aspects of mental health from many different perspectives. Under this post, I am going to start a running list of books I read to gain better understanding of the scope of mental health. I hope guys find something useful in this list! Let know if you do 🙂

Let’s Talk about Therapy. The first book I’m listing here is the one I am currently listening to via audible. If you would like to gain insight on the taboo world of psychotherapy and what therapy could do in your life,

Hit the link for more: Maybe You should Talk to Someone